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Boys & Girls aged 5 and over wanted to enrol in Woolworths Junior Blasters or Master Blasters.

Sessions will be held on Saturday mornings between October & February. ​​

Both programs runs each Saturday from 9.30am - 10.45am.

Contact Barry Cull on 0408 103 971 with any questions regarding either program.

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Junior Blasters is for kids aged 5-7 or new to cricket with participants building their skills through fun, game based activities. The games are designed for small groups to ensure every child gets a go, allowing them to test and learn new skills.

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Master Blasters is a super fun, social, safe, cricket program for boys and girls aged 7-10. The program is much shorter than traditional cricket, with a maximum of 90 minutes playing time. All the equipment is supplied.

© 2021 - SHCC

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